Book Review #63 : "And the Mountains Echoed" by Khaled Hosseini

Hosseini has something in his mind, that everytime he creates magic with his words. “And the Mountains Echoed” is a splendid collaboration of stories, which shows that every story is made of little efforts and human emotions. This book has been on my shelf for the last 4 years, not because I didn’t want to read it, but because I wanted to read with my proper devotion ( coz I worship Hossein’s work!) And here I am, holding on to the post-read era of crying and overthinking. If you are suffering from intellectual-thought-processing-syndrome, where you don’t know where to stop traveling in your dreamy sentiments, then this book is for you. It has all the flavors of love, sacrifice, sibling’s attachment, guilt, devotion, back stories of so many little moments, harassments, childhood traumas, childhood nurturement and so much more. At the heart of the novel is the bond between Abdullah and Pari, siblings torn apart by circumstances beyond their control. Their story is a po...