Book Review #30: "Eat, Pray, Love" by Elizabeth Gilbert

“Eat Pray Love” will first wink at you to make you believe that it’s a normal tale of finding peace within. But it has so much. So much of unanswered questions, so much of self-realizations, so much of carrying guilt throughout life. But believe me, no matter if you love it or hate it, you will surely agree to think in a different way after reading this gem. I will first tell you my experience. It’s not like I was astonished after reading her journey, but there was something very unparalleled process of going with the flow. Gilbert was a normal girl, having everything in life and still fool enough to neglect the importance of stability. So are we, aren’t we? She too fell into the trap of rebound pleasure and again got trapped in the spiral of heartbreaks. She was not sure of the decisions of traveling to different countries, and still made a giant leap towards her unprocessed outcomes. She had experienced an abundance of life through her expedition to Italy, India and Indonesia. ...