Book Review #48 - Shoe Dog: A Memoir by the Creator of Nike by Phil Knight

This book was in my TBR for so long, I don't even remember who recommended it to me, but I surely can recall that I was pretty sure I won't be able to finish it, thinking as it’s not my type. Here, my type specifically means “business”. I don't fit into the business category, but little did I know that everything starts with initial courage and zeal to manage, just like life. Anyway, on a random day, I decided to give it a try and oh man! This is a perfect package of turbulence, hanging right on the edge of life’s numerous decisions and outcomes. Phil Knight was an unknown personality for me, before reading this piece, and now when I think about it, I totally can live with him on the countrysides of Oregon. He represents a resemblance of every common person, every one of us, who just tried and tried and tried and never fed up with his dreams. Who knew that while running on a long trail, the craziest idea will become a revolution one day. Who knew that a venture with only ...