Book Review #56 : The Last Lecture by Randy Pausch
Imagine you get a chance to deliver the lecture as if it’s your last day at work, how will you feel?. You will try to make the best of it, right?. But with this book, Randy had lived the moment of reality. He actually delivered his last lecture, accumulating all of his childhood dreams and lessons of life. After a very long time, I cried while reading the emotions. It’s totally a surreal gesture to go on a ride through someone’s else’s eyes.
I am not going to give any spoilers but all I can say is if I will be stranded on an island alone, I would prefer to carry this book among all of the materialistic things. There’s everything here you can think of life and its atrocities, powerful optimism, clarity of dreams, hope for future, humor at every phase, and sincerity in each challenge of the world. This book is meant for the young readers as well the oldest generation, who need the best kind of advice.
On the other hand, it might be difficult to put your foot in someone’s shoes. Randy had told his experiences of tackling cancer and its unraveling affect on his family. He got the chance to mend the remaining years on his own terms, but it’s not the same for everyone. But if you dive in deep, he just tried to say to live every moment. And that’s why he showed every achievement like an Oscar of his dreams.
Writing style is perfect for every reader. And the bonus is the humorous punch for all the little details. I will highly recommend everyone to read this gem once in their lifetime.

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