Book Review #23: "Steve" by Pranav Rao

I am literally amazed by the presentation skills in a mere few pages about a dog's point of view. This book is a contrasting take on dog’s life decisions, possessed by us - the humans! Story revolves around a dog, Steve, and his perpetual experiences. Narration is also done by Steve, which makes his apologue more interesting and impactful. He has curated a mixed version of human relationship and his cognition. While reading at first, I was quite dodgy about the generous fact of this genre, as there are already many out there like Dog’s Purpose, Jonathan unleashed etc. But this story has something different to hit the audience quickly. How an abandoned bastard dog is kept in shelters, how fate is responsible for the chosen families, how they have to adapt to the new home and its culture, how they experience new things beyond their expertise, how predefined destinies bind them in stereotypes, and how after everything, they have to encircle the same cycle all along. The story ...