The Science of Happiness


There’s no perfect formula for consistent happiness in life, but you must have heard someone saying, either in school or by elders, “Where there is a will, there is a way!”. I am no saint to guide anyone to follow some meditative path or a scientist to  instruct them to go through some major experiments to prove my point. I am just a human, who makes mistakes and learns from them. I am sure every individual has their own perspectives and ideologies to carry, but life becomes easy if we listen other’s views. I believe, if we implement at least 5% of the things that we experience from someone’s lifespan, it's enough. 

Though there are plenty of pointers you will encounter while searching for the golden words for science of happiness, but here are my top 5 ways to be happy, which are very personal and fully verified : 

  • People say “Stay Positive”. But how? How can you be positive if there are plenty of pending things to do? How can you be happy when you see your closed ones not well? How can you be cheerful when you feel lonely for no reason? This happens with everyone, but tackling them efficiently is a smart choice to make. It is also proven by scientists that daily experiences of positive emotions, such as joy, gratitude, and love, can have a cumulative effect on long-term happiness and well-being. I read or paint to stay positive. And I am doing either one of them daily, without fail. This small change in my habit makes a big difference, trust me. This ritual not only gives me a reason to look forward to a task in a day that I truly enjoy, but also provides a constant dopamine as Fixed Deposit in my mental bank. So, find your dopamine booster of the day and make it a habit. 

  • The recipe to make life purposeful, exists within your own conscience. I love to dive into the technical world. I love the taste of codes, filled with cool updates by AI. And this makes me crazy to do stuff and be thankful for my job. I have seen many who don't work happily and always complain about their workplace. They might be either bound to earn salary because of responsibilities or not brave enough to stand up for their rights. People who feel that their lives have a deeper significance are more likely to lead fulfilling and contented lives, and this can only be achieved if you love what you do. Whining on a regular basis will make your gut less happy. So, find a purpose. Find something that gives your identity a true meaning. 

  • Why is it always said - “The more, the merrier”? Have you ever wondered how your perspectives and reactions change when you are surrounded by like-minded people? Maintaining close connections with friends and family and nurturing positive social interactions contribute significantly to well-being. I am not saying make a lot of friends or hangout with family all the time, but it must be according to your equation. I have a very small circle of friends and family, whom I trust and cherish. And I am only active with their existence. What others think about me or talk about me doesn’t even matter now, because I know the one who truly loves me always stands by me no matter what. So, communicate. Talk like it's your only life and share as much as you want. I am an introverted kind of person, and don’t like to share a lot. But I do chat with my people and listen to their random stuff. This is what keeps me alive and happy. 

  • Whenever I feel low or bored, I try to explore nature. Nature has hidden healing powers. Whether it's running water, giant mountains, grass lawns, forests, clouds and stars, rain, or snowfall, every pattern has their own therapy oriented impacts on our mental health. Sometimes I walk barefoot, staring at the shining stars. Sometimes I sing with a cuckoo. Sometimes I keep my eyes closed while standing in the rain. Sometimes I thank God while catching a glimpse of western ghats. Sometimes I write poems on the adventurous journey of lush green forest. I feel utmost joy in delving into the world of lively Earth. These evidence-based practices often involve identifying and changing negative thought patterns. This makes my life a little better and gives me hope every time I travel.

  • And at last, take care of yourself. It is the most beneficial practice to keep all sane. Physical health and happiness are interconnected. Regular exercise, a balanced diet, and adequate sleep positively impact mood and overall well-being. I was a glutton earlier, hopping to numerous street foods and restaurants. But believe me, when I found the magic of home made food, I literally am now addicted to it. Because it made my gut in the right place. I feel lighter from mind. Also, I was a night owl earlier, scrolling through pages or screens, which impacted my health a lot. But with time and experience, now I honor the sleep God and never try to insult them. It's no joke to repeat the nursery rhyme “Early to bed and early to rise, makes a man(woman too), healthy, wealthy and wise.” and learn from them even being an adult. Every little step towards your health makes your lifespan more enthusiastic and blissful. 

This post is a part of Blogchatter Half Marathon 2023


  1. A perfectly elaborated post about the science of Happiness. Every time I read your post, it improves my perspective towards life. Loved it❤

  2. Happy to read another relatable post which can be added to our “science” or methods of happiness. The more, the merrier is dangerous and with people it is more. Like you I believe in quality not quantity of people in my life. I cant survive in large circles and I don’t understand people who have 500+ connections in social media and some even boast of having them in real life, like really, can a person genuinely keep in touch with 500 people? Being an extreme level extrovert I don’t have even 10 friends and I am happy with who are everyday present in my life - one of them being you. Seriously talking, meeting and sharing life with my small gang of friends makes me really happy.


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