#NaPoWriMo2023 : DAY 1



Somewhere beyond the alpha and omega ,
we are flowing like waves
checking every trivial possibility of existence.

Those dots and dashes,
where timelessness doesn't matter
outside our mechanical brain,
where archaic forms of life
dance on the rhythm of freedom,
we are counting absolutes
keeping an eye on possibilities.

Somewhere between
following the trends of world
and fostering tenderness within,
we are always just a step away from colossal cosmic collapses


• “We are always just a step away from colossal cosmic collapses” by
#Therandomlifafa #NaPoWriMoXShikhaholic @therandomlifafa

• Tenderness by #thealiporepostpoetrymonth @thealiporepost

• We are flowing like waves #daydreamingprompts @daydreamingpoems

• Archaic #unicornnapowrimo2023 @magazineunicorn

This post is a part of #BlogchatterA2Z 2023


  1. just a step away from colossal cosmic collapses

    How deep and beautiful


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