Book Review #13: "The Courage to Be Disliked: How to Free Yourself, Change your Life and Achieve Real Happiness" by Ichiro Kishimi, Fumitake Koga


I don't know how much I have related to this book, but one thing was sure that it has right motto, but failed to deliver the aspects in practical ways.
Although everything was conversation, but it seemed like a tight slap on youth, every time he tries to be relevant.

Philosopher has rightly put many aspects, like illusion caused by change in environment, science of contribution, don't fall for life-lie, separation of tasks, listen to the voice of larger community, method of raising by rebuke or praise, affirmative recognition, etc. He surely wants to be practical and logical in every terms, which is by far, can be understood.

But for a normal person, living with friends and family, doing a job, aiming for promotions and goals, are all they want and need. Philosopher is being nihilistic, as stated by Youth, because it literally impossible to live life on logical terms.
As said by Philosopher, life is series of dots, not line. One has to go through everything, rather than directly reaching to the goal, a kinetic motion. But he failed to mix this theory with his own logic and rules.

Though different perspectives of courage to be happy, courage to be normal etc, are quite realistic.

I also failed to understand few statements like "People who lives lack harmony". Like how??? It's the life that he/she is living, it consists of harmony and failures and jealousy and bliss and courage and anger and peace and many more. Everything is necessary, everything is needed to experience life.

My favorite quote from the book is " Life in general has no meaning whatsoever. But you can assign meaning to that life. And you are the only one who can assign meaning to your life."

I recommend this book to everyone, not because it's the best self help book, but to understand the difference of opinions.

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