Prompt scribbling!!


G-rowing causes pain, seeing someone growing old is pain
You may find devastating faces,
pale-sick-wrinkled faces,
young-adult-aging faces,
and letting them go, to accept the fact of linear life-story
will be the traumatic, argh!
Just let time heal you,
let it run through your veins, of uncertainties
let it cure the wounds of memories,
don't rush!

R-eliving expectations dashes hopes
hopes of sunflowers and butterflies,
of morning coffees and pancakes,
Your thoughts might not sync with soul
Just don't be harsh on yourself.
Make your own pancakes, and have it with cold coffee indeed.

E-xamine your breathing space,
You might find your instincts, sometimes,
inside chambers of side locker,
You might be dealing with void, unintentionally
by hurting plants, feelings, pen-caps, or yourself.
Just let yourself free, from those phases
of inked impressions and exclamations!

I-nvite positivity in routine,
while singing in bathroom
while eating fried momos
while jumbling over words of praises.
You never know, when
absurd-emotional-attacks will take shelter of your eyes
painting dark-wet crescents
all over your precious smile.

V-erify your love, regularly
from your closed ones, your friends
Grief makes you weak, compels you to hate love
beyond the crushed layers of bubble rap.
You might surround yourself with shadows
parked at underground floors
never peeping out from windows.
Be deeply engaged, keeping your cat nearby,
just for the safer side!

E-liminate comparison-ghosts
who faithfully staring back at you
from relative-eyes and articles-norms!
You cry, cry out loud, scratch those notepads placed beside nigt lamp
You should cry, cry for your sanity.
They may sound experienced
dealing with settled ringtones and reminders.
Don't fall for fakes,
discover your jinx, your pattern, for your sake!

R-ead, rhyme, refresh, repeat
coz, that's what you need!

For more, follow me on instagram


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