Prompt scribbling!!


Oh moony dreams!
You were so pure
wandering in the neighborhoods,
puffing flickers and crackers across 15th street.

I see you now
approx. zillion light years away from 1999,
when I started to ride bicycle
handling knowledge and toys, light-hearted and fun-drunk
where poems were meant to be rhyming, strictly
and friends used to share half-bitten chocolates with my witty Hobbes.

Where dreaming for pennies was a dream.
candies, balloons, pens, kaju-kishmish, and the front farms
were charming spot for infantile meetings.
I saw you in my loony discussions
with Shaktiman and magic pencil,
on nimbus 2000, flying high
catching fireflies, kites and aero planes.

Oh cloudy dreams!
I loved the way, you came every night
some i remembered, some i forgot
but you were the only constant, that's for sure!

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