Prompt scribbling!!


"रंजिश ही सही दिल ही दुखाने के लिए आ

आ फिर से मुझे छोड़ के जाने के लिए आ"

This song has the deepest affirmation of loving someone, so much, that one forgets to live their own life. Salty tears and scenic consolations are all one have to counter, again and again, same cycle of guilty-painful-sleepless nights. Only thing that matters is not to be alone - so so desperate to catch moon, that is not even theirs.

"कुछ तो मेरे पिंदार ए मोहब्बत का भरम रख

तू भी तो कभी मुझको मनाने के लिए आ"

And the saddest thing is, not to be acknowledged by the one, for whom you made a list of gifts, stars, wind chimes, twinning thoughts, cloned perspectives, and faithful eyes. Although he/she knows, this pain is not worthy - it engraves all dried wounds and emotions, still the urge to fill the last drop of love, is invincible.

"माना के मोहब्बत का छुपाना है मोहब्बत

चुपके से किसी रोज़ जताने के लिए आ"

Lanes-states-countries-galaxies-universe-metaverse, everywhere! One can't find the truth of existence. One will never find the cause of sudden change. Until, one wanders beyond the fact of acceptance, acceptance of veraciousness, writing plain letters on bloody sheets of red love. Is it really raw, to claim importance on the verge of losing self?

"जैसे तुम्हें आते हैं न आने के बहाने

ऐसे ही किसी रोज़ न जाने के लिए आ"

People changes. Mind changes. But heart remains the same. Wanting same-comforting breeze around, a calm mirror to propose flowers without judgements. And then there's one thing, that slow down running nerves. That's the one thing, one wants. Yes! And after all this chaos, one wants to be seen, to spend life with, to cry on yellow shoulder, to hug bloomy soul. And that's the saddest clue, for being sucked up by own expectations!

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